Our news Attend a training workshop Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/jifiraqcpanel/public_html/en/wp-content/themes/herald/core/template-functions.php on line 193 20 August، 20238 Views1 Min Read admin Share This! Facebook Twitter Google Plus Pinterest LinkedIn An employee of Jannat Al-Firdaws Foundation for Relief and Development attended a training workshop, at the invitation of the UNDP, on strengthening community cohesion, on August 13-15, 2023. You may also like Our news Job advertisement 4 months ago Our news Job advertisement 4 months ago Our news A letter of thanks and appreciation from the Mayor of Baiji 5 months ago About the authorView All Posts admin The President of Tikrit University meets in his office the delegation of the Organization (ASB) and the President of Jannat Al-Firdaws Foundation for Relief and Development (JF) Job Share This! Facebook Twitter Google Plus Pinterest LinkedIn تصنيفات Activities108 Gallery11 Media12 Our news87 غير مصنف2 مقالات مميزة Our news Job advertisement Our news Job advertisement Our news A letter of thanks and appreciation from the Mayor of Baiji Our news Visit of the Governor of Salahuddin Our news Job advertisement الفيس بوك