Category - Our news

Our news

Course attendance

The staff of Jannat Al-Firdaws Foundation for Relief and DevelopmentJF participated At the invitation of the German organization ASB Supported by BMZ In a...

Our news

Symposium on early marriage

The Division of Psychological Counseling and Psychological Guidance at the University Presidency, in cooperation with the Faculties of Science and Agriculture...

Our news

Job advertisement

Janat Al-Firdaws Foundation for Relief and Development is pleased to announce a vacancy for our health project in Salah Al-Din.
For details, please click here

Our news

Meeting with the mayor of Baiji

The meeting of the delegation of the Jannat Al-Firdaws Foundation for Relief and Development and the representative of the asb organization with the mayor of...

Our news

Meeting with the mayor of Sharqat

The meeting of the delegation of the Jannat Al-Firdaws Foundation for Relief and Development with Mr. Ali Dodah Khalaf, the mayor of Al-Sharqat, on 9/29/2021...

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