Category - Our news

Our news

Meeting with community leaders

The Janat Al-Firdaws Foundation for Relief and Development, with the support of the German ASB organization, conducts educational meetings to limit or reduce...

Our news

Meeting with the mayor of Sharqat

The meeting of the delegation of the Jannat Al-Firdaws Foundation for Relief and Development with Mr. Gergis Ismail Ihjab, the mayor of Shirqat, on 8/29/2021...

Our news

Job advertisement

Janat Al-Firdaws Foundation for Relief and Development is pleased to announce a vacancy for our health project in Salah Al-Din.
For details, please click here

Our news

Attend a workshop

A representative of Jannat Al-Firdaws Foundation attended a workshop called by oxfam to discuss agreements and policies for supporting civil society...

Our news

Job advertisement

Janat Al Fardaws Foundation for Relief and Developmen is excited to announce a vacancy for our new and upcoming health project in Salahaddin. it is looking for...

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