
Salah al-Din Our People’s second campaign to confront COVID-19, with support from (UNDP)

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Activity  1- Distribution of (1500) Food share
2- Distribution of (1500) Detergents share
3- Distribution of (1500) health awareness brochures
4- Sterilization of (25) governmental departments
5- Holding health awareness workshops
6- Distribution of gloves (3000) – face masks (1500) as contributions from  janat al-Frdaws
7- Sterilization of
 shrine of Muhammad Ibn Imam Ali al-Hadi, as a contribution from janat al-Frdaws
Donor United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Beneficiaries  families affected by the Corona pandemic (1500 families)
Implementing party Jannat Al-Fardaws Foundation  with the support of the peace committees in the districts
place Salah al-Din Governorate (Tuz Khurmatu – Sharkat – Balad – Dujail)
Activity date 16/8/2020 to 27/8/2020
















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