
Field visits

Within the Janat al-Frdaws Relief and Development Project, with...


Field visits

Within the Janat al-Frdaws Relief and Development Project, with...


Field visits

Within the Janat al-Frdaws Relief and Development Project, with...

Category - Activities


Eighth patronage campaign for 2018

Project name  :  Installing RO water treatment unit by capacity of 2000 liters / hour donor party : unicef Implementing Party : Janat Al-Frdaws Foundation for...


Seventh patronage Campaign of 2018

Campaign name : Distribution of summer clothes with cash Donor Party : benevolent actor Implementing Party : Janat Al-Frdaws Foundation Beneficiary  : Orphan...


Sixth patronage campaign for 2018

As a matter of humanitarian contribution Janat Al-Frdaws Foundation will begin on Friday, 2018/3/2 is the construction of a house for a widow have 6 orphans in...


fifth campaign for 2018

On the occasion of World Water Day, 20 volunteers participated in the Dream City Complex for displaced people in Tikrit and for the host community in Al-Zuhour...


Fourth patronage campaign for 2018

Janat Al-Frdaws Foundation, in cooperation with UNICEF, distributed relief materials to 54 families (301 individual) of Al-Farahia area. The distribution was...


third patronage campaign for 2018

third patronage campaign for 2018 Winter blankets and clothing were distributed to 105 orphan families in cooperation with Al Nahrain Foundation on Friday...


First patronage campaign for 2018

First patronage campaign for 2018 was an amount dedicated for 69 orphan families support contributed by an Iraqi woman- donor on Friday , Jan. 6th , 2018  ...

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