
Field visits

Within the Janat al-Frdaws Relief and Development Project, with...


Field visits

Within the Janat al-Frdaws Relief and Development Project, with...


Field visits

Within the Janat al-Frdaws Relief and Development Project, with...

Category - Activities


Sixteen patronage Campaign of 2022

On the occasion of International Children’s Day, campaign No. 16 of 2022was implemented, winter clothing clothes were distributed to 512 widows and orphans of...


Tenth patronage Campaign of 2021

Project Name: Ramadan Gifts 1442/2021 Activity No. 10 for 2021. The donor / elite benefactors. Number of beneficiaries / 852 orphan families. Date/From...


Ninth patronage Campaign of 2021

Activity No. 9 for the year 2021. May God Almighty enable us to serve 321 families of minor and missing orphans by distributing.. summer clothes ,cash and...

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