
Field visits

Within the Janat al-Frdaws Relief and Development Project, with...


Field visits

Within the Janat al-Frdaws Relief and Development Project, with...


Field visits

Within the Janat al-Frdaws Relief and Development Project, with...

Category - Activities


Eighth patronage Campaign of 2021

Activity name/help campaign number 8 Type of activity/distribution of a distinct food basket. Number of beneficiaries/250 orphan families. The donor / elite...


Sixth patronage Campaign of 2021

Activity No. 6 for the year 2021. Activity name/ building of the orphanage No. 32. The donor is a blessed elite of benefactors. Place / Iraq – Samarra...


Fifth patronage Campaign of 2021

Activity name / food basket distribution. Number of beneficiaries / 85 orphan families. Initiatives / physical distancing. Distribution of medical masks...


Fourth patronage Campaign of 2021

Activity name / Distribution of 20 liters of heating fuel, meat, household items, various clothes, masks, and health awareness leaflets to prevent Coronavirus...


First patronage Campaign of 2021

Activity name /Distribution of monthly amount Donor/benevolent actor Beneficiaries / 6 families Implementing party/Jannat Al-Fardaws Foundation place/Salah A...

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