
Field visits

Within the Janat al-Frdaws Relief and Development Project, with...


Field visits

Within the Janat al-Frdaws Relief and Development Project, with...


Field visits

Within the Janat al-Frdaws Relief and Development Project, with...

Category - Activities


Ten patronage Campaign of 2020

Activity name The first project: training a widow and providing her with a sewing machine, fabrics and sewing supplies The second project: providing a widow...


Ninth patronage Campaign of 2020

Activity name 1- Distribution of breakfast meal (220 meal) In partnership with the Al-Taziz Foundation 2-Food basket (520 basket) In partnership with the Al...


Fifth patronage Campaign of 2020

Activity name /Building two house No.(28,29) Donor / benevolent actor Implementing party/ Jannat Al-Fardaws Foundation Address / Samarra / Al-Jubeiriya 3 ...


Fourth patronage Campaign of 2020

Activity name : Distribution of basket food and winter clothes Donor : benevolent actor . Beneficiaries : Orphans families Implementing party : Jannat Al...

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